Packing Tips

If you are a light packer, you can probably pack everything you need for Ikaria in just a carry on! Ikaria is a relaxed island. Leave formal clothes, high heels and fancy accessories at home. While there are small shops on Ikaria, don’t expect them to sell the type of bathing suit, shorts or sunglasses you want. Better to bring those things with you. Sunscreen is available in the grocery stores and pharmacies (albeit it will probably be more expensive than at home).

Our Top 11 Packing Tips for Exploring Ikaria:

1. Closed-toe boots or sneakers are a must for Ikaria’s rocky footpaths and inclines.

2. A large water bottle to stay hydrated.

3. Light weight hiking pants (keep your legs from getting scratched up if you trek along narrow paths)

4. A small light backpack for trail snacks and other necessities.

5. Extra socks and also flip flops or sandals (to slip on at the end of walking/hiking).

6. Lightweight jacket or windbreaker for chilly evenings and changes in temperature/precipitation.

7. Beach necessities: A good sunhat, sunscreen, lightweight beach towel, extra bathing suit.

8. A light bag or satchel to pick up any debris on the beaches and trails. As visitors we like to not just to explore, but to do our part to help protect and keep the beaches and trails clean. The locals appreciate this too!

9. Walking sticks to keep pressure off the knees and help maintain a steady pace.

10. Snorkel and mask. A good set lasts many trips and means exploring life under the sea at any time!

11. Sim card. If you want to get an eSim for Greece and Ikaria, check out:

Airalo eSim for Greece